Practicing Safer Sex

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Oct 24, 2018 · How to Have Safer Sex. Sex is an important part of life. Whether you are a virgin contemplating your first time, or a more experienced person looking for a new partner, sex can be both exciting and a little nerve-wracking. Practicing safe

Safer sex is also about having sex when you and your partner are ready, and having sex that’s enjoyable, respectful and protected. Ways that you can practise safer sex include: Having sex with only one partner, when neither of you has any STIs, is the safest way to have sex.

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Talking with your partner about preventing STDs and unplanned pregnancy is one of the most important things you can do to protect your sexual health.

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Do you think that practicing safe sex takes the joy out of sex?It doesn’t have to. Safe sex practices simply combine the greatest pleasure with the least risk of contracting HIV and other sexually

About Practicing Safer Texts. This book uses the ubiquitous comparison between food and sex as a framework for examining a number of texts from the Hebrew Bible, as well as later readings of those texts and interpretive issues raised by the texts.

When both sexual partners are HIV positive, it is still reasonable to consider safer-sex practices to reduce the likelihood of infection from other sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C viruses.

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How can the answer be improved?

Practicing safe sex is crucial to the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Learn more.

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Safer sex (often called “safe sex”) means taking steps to protect yourself and your partner from STDs when you have sex. There are lots of ways you can make sex safer. One of the best ways is by using a barrier — like condoms , female condoms , and/or dental dams — every single time you have oral , anal , or vaginal sex .

7 Different Ways to Have Safer Sex. By: Tyler Curry June 9th, 2015. Tags: PrEP, PEP, TasP, HIV Prevention, HIV Treatment. Condoms are still considered one of the best ways to practice safe sex. When worn correctly, a condom is extremely effective in preventing the transmission of HIV.

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