Mcgraw Hill Learning Group

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AccessAnesthesiology Clerkship Modules. This curriculum includes materials for a 4-week anesthesiology clerkship. Each week consists of 4 to 5 modules on foundational topics, and each week ends with a short quiz.

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Because learning changes everything.™ We apply the science of learning to create innovative solutions to improve education outcomes around the world.

Courses in Theutics and Disease State Management. Modules include course syllabi, powerpoint slides, and assessments designed for students seeking self-study and review and faculty developing course materials for online or traditional lecture formats.

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AccessAnesthesiology Clerkship Modules. This curriculum includes materials for a 4-week anesthesiology clerkship. Each week consists of 4 to 5 modules on foundational topics, and each week ends with a short quiz.

ConnectED Mobile App Minimum Requirements (Tablets) Minimum Requirements (Phones) Operating System (iOS) iOS 9+ iOS 9+ Operating System (Android) Android 4.4.2+

McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC (MHGE) is a learning science company targeting the higher education, professional learning and information markets both in the US and internationally

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At McGraw-Hill Education, we believe that our contribution to unlocking that brighter future lies with the application of our deep understanding of how learn

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McGraw-Hill Education (MHE) is a learning science company and one of the "big three" educational publishers that provides customized educational content, software, and services for pre-K through postgraduate education.

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