British And American Teens

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Oct 05, 2011 · On here I notice a considerable difference between American teen and British teens. American teens seem to be more sheltered to me, and seem to care more about things such as first kisses. Whereas British teens dont seem to be as fussed. I forgot my password on my other account and after checking out the answers on one of my questions, american teen answers seemed to be very different.

19 Things American Teens Had That British teens Were Insanely Jealous Of. Your teen films ruined us, America.

the video guve us a example of the diference between the North American culture and the british culture and in the same way the video teach us difference between the accent and words like (biscuit and cookie) etc.

Not a lot, but British teens can count on living in a society that cares more about their welfare than the USA does. This offers them more opportunities to experiment with their lives and learn who they are.

American teens are alot more open to the intrusion of strangers. especially foreign strangers. In the UK you probably would need a funny, relavent-to-the-situation opener to get a teens attention. If you are a british man in america all you have to do is say "hi" for any teen who is below a 7 and you are automatically interesting just because

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Jun 26, 2012 · Com material didático próprio e exclusivo, o BRITISH AND AMERICAN – TEENS tem duração de quatro anos e trabalha com a linguagem oral e escrita.

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Apr 26, 2009 · Cos in america teens just seem to be out shopping with friends or go swimming or whatever. and ALSO I know alot of people say that americans are dumb but it seems to me like the british teens either leave college or get expelled early whereas the teaching methods in america seem better and the s seem to take it in more.

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Being A Teenager In Britain Vs Being A Teenager In America. Drinking from red cups vs drinking in parks.

Dec 22, 2012 · After reading a blog post on HuffPost Teen by an American teen about the "new British invasion" and why American teens have a love for all things British, I was inspired to write an article from a

What’s the difference between American and British teenagers? Alyssa. too, and I suspect that’s the real (if slightly unhelpful) answer to your question – the difference is that the British teens are British and the American ones are American. In other words, the biggest differences lie in the cultures rather than specifically the teen

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